
Postcards of Grief

Mourning is a process.

Comments on breast cancer by proxy, written by a woman coping with the loss of her mother.

Friday, September 16, 2005


I know I'm a Harry Potter freak. Yes, my cats are named Quidditch and Muggle.

This site is stressing me out something awful. I don't know what to do with this information.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Shelli said...

I LIKE the site, and it gives me hope, but I have other theories, like remember the phoenix that Harry saw for an instant when DD's tomb went 'aflame?" IN book one, DD said: "to the organized mind, Harry, death is but the next great adveenture."'

I think his physical body is dead, but perhaps there are parts of him that live on, so to speak, thorugh his portraits, through Fawkes somehow, through Harry's dreams, through the pensieve, I think we'll see a LOT of DD in book 7...

I'm a total geek and nerd and fan, too - have you seen the new trailer? it's AWESOME!

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feed it to the ducks? ;) Or the cats, since you have two appropriately named ones around...
Cool site, anyway.


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